How to Track Your Social Media ROI

Aug 18, 2023

As a marketer, tracking your social media ROI is crucial to determining the success of your campaigns and making informed decisions about future strategies. But with so many metrics and platforms to keep track of, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this post, we'll go over some tips and tools to help you track your social media ROI effectively.

Define Your Goals

Before you start tracking your social media ROI, you need to define your goals. What do you want to achieve through your social media campaigns? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can identify the metrics that matter most to you.

Identify Key Metrics

There are many metrics you can track to measure your social media ROI, but not all of them will be relevant to your goals. Here are some common metrics to consider:

  • Engagement rate: the percentage of people who engage with your content (likes, comments, shares, etc.)
  • Reach: the number of people who see your content
  • Click-through rate: the percentage of people who click on a link in your post
  • Conversion rate: the percentage of people who take a desired action (e.g. fill out a form, make a purchase) after clicking on your post

Depending on your goals, you may also want to track metrics like follower growth, brand mentions, or sentiment.

Use Analytics Tools

Most social media platforms offer built-in analytics tools that allow you to track your performance. For example, Facebook Insights provides data on your page's reach, engagement, and demographics, while Twitter Analytics shows you how your tweets are performing and who your top followers are. Make sure you're familiar with the analytics tools for each platform you're using.

There are also third-party analytics tools that can help you track your social media ROI across multiple platforms. Some popular options include Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer. These tools allow you to monitor your metrics in real-time, track your competitors, and generate reports to share with your team or clients.

Track Your URLs

One way to track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns is to use unique URLs for each platform or campaign. For example, if you're running a Facebook ad campaign, you could create a unique landing page with a URL like "" This allows you to track how many people clicked on the link from your Facebook ad and how many of those visitors took a desired action on your website.

You can also use UTM parameters to track your URLs. UTM parameters are tags you add to the end of your URLs that allow you to track where your traffic is coming from. For example, you could add a UTM parameter like "?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fall-sale" to the end of a URL to track how many people clicked on the link from your fall sale Facebook post.

Calculate Your ROI

Once you've identified your key metrics and tracked your performance, it's time to calculate your social media ROI. To do this, you need to compare the cost of your social media campaigns to the revenue generated from those campaigns. Here's the formula:

ROI = (Revenue - Cost) / Cost x 100%

For example, if you spent $1,000 on a Facebook ad campaign and generated $5,000 in revenue, your ROI would be:

ROI = ($5,000 - $1,000) / $1,000 x 100% = 400%

Continuously Monitor and Adjust

Tracking your social media ROI is an ongoing process. It's important to continuously monitor your metrics and adjust your strategies as needed. If you're not seeing the results you want, try experimenting with different types of content, targeting options, or ad formats. Use your analytics tools to identify what's working and what's not, and make data-driven decisions to improve your ROI.

By following these tips and using the right tools, you can effectively track your social media ROI and make informed decisions about your marketing strategies.

Image Source: Unsplash